
supplies update, slideshow soon

The purple basil has really taken off, and the sweet basil is finally starting to sprout. I've been photographing them twice a day, and now I'm working on a slideshow of their respective pictures.
In the meantime, I'm waiting for the new seeds to arrive, and I finally ordered the fluorescent bulbs. The best price on a 2' single T5 fixture with bulb was $45 from ACF Greenhouse. This includes not only the bulb, but also a metallic reflector to help direct the light onto a smaller area. They have a really nice site that provides a lot of background on different lighting options and how to compare them to figure out exactly what your lighting needs are. Just as with the seeds, the bulbs are supposed to arrive in 4-10 business days. I hope they get here soon, now that the basil has sprouted, the greenhouse really needs more uniform and efficient lighting.
Also, I've found a local supplier for the heat mats for seed germination. They should provide a much more efficient source of heat for the seeds than the grow bulb. The product is made by HydroFarm Inc, but they only sell to retailers. I'm planning on purchasing two, and then my greenhouse supplies should be complete!

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