

I guess I must´ve been pollinating correctly.  About two weeks after the first tomato flowers opened, the flowers began to shrivel a bit, close, and then fall off.

At first I was worried that perhaps I had been pollinating too forcefully, or overwatering (which is a constant concern), but then I looked inside where the petals had been and saw a tiny green sphere!

Fox cherry tomato was the first to bud and bloom, so it was also first to be pollinated and produce adorable tiny tomatoes.  Since this first tomato, the plants have really taken off.  Here´s a slideshow of the main greenhouse which primarily houses the taller, indeterminate tomato plants:

Even the determinate tomatoes in the smaller greenhouse have begun to bloom and be pollinated.  They were a little behind the cherry tomatoes, but are quickly catching up both in terms of open and pollinated flowers.

They´re really growing so quickly.  The biggest is already larger than a quarter.  I can´t wait until they start to ripen!

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