
eggplant germinated

Last year, my eggplant crop really seemed to just be getting started when the season was ending, so this year I wanted to make sure that I had some mature plants ready to go in the garden once the weather got sufficiently warm.  I tried to look for varieties that do well with cooler temperatures and shorter growing seasons, and decided on Italian White, Snowy White, and Black eggplant seeds, all from Seeds of Change.

My seedling heat mat was still out on loan when I first planted the seeds, and so I was trying my hot watering routine.  I successfully germinated three Italian White seeds this way before I decided to reseed and try again once my heat mat returned from guest germination.  The seeds really took off with the additional heat source.  Here´s a slideshow of their progress so far.

You can definitely tell that some of the eggplants germinated before the others, and it seems I really didn´t need to reseed at all.  I was afraid with all the water and lack of germination that the first batch of eggplant seeds had rotted.  Apparently that was not the case, and it seems as though I´m either going to have to get ruthless upon transplanting these seedlings or separate them all out into their own containers and have 50 eggplants.  I think I know which it will be. 

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